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lunes, 22 de enero de 2018

Creatividad e innovación. Oportunidades 2018

Empezar el nuevo año con propósitos y proyectos es una constante del ser humano. Y buscar información para conocer  los retos más recientes es el primer paso. Reconocer las oportunidades y aprovecharlas es el inmediato.

En el ámbito Científico y Tecnológico proponemos aquí focalizar en dos ámbitos:

  • Los Concursos
  • Los Proyectos Europeos

La participación en Concursos nacionales e internacionales está recogido y documentado.
El Centro de Documentación Europeo de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona nos acerca en primera instancia con su trabajo riguroso y continuado , concretando algunos concursos de la EU.

La Comisión Europea presenta unos premios 2018 de desafío en el marco de Horizonte 2020 en el contexto de avances de Ciencia y Tecnología del programa de investigación e innovación de la UE.

La lista de reconocimientos EUCYS 2017, jóvenes científicos de la UE, son además de una actualización en conocimientos un estímulo para seguir investigación en estos campos. Tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Tallín.

Europa proporciona oportunidades de formación desde el diseño de OSOS (escuelas abiertas para sociedades abiertas) a la vez que programas de financiación para la participación  (ERASMUS +)

Open Schools for Open Societies – 1 - 6 July 2018, Marathon, Greece
Open Schooling Model puts emphasis on creating viable change to school settings that lasts and expands. Learn about the OSOS Open Schooling approach and prepare your school to participate in a strong school network which is ready to share their experiences with others. Through the OSOS Summer School Course you will be given the knowledge and skills to assess existing learning methods and material in your school, abandon those which fail or are too costly, learn lessons, and disseminate and reproduce the successful ones on a larger scale. 
 The Mars Mission – 1 - 6 July 2018, Marathon, Greece
The participants of the Mars mission summer school will go on a unique trip on the red planet and attempt to explore its secrets. While on Mars, teachers will learn about inquiry and interdisciplinary learning as well as how to manage diverse classrooms and gender balance. The introduction of space-related careers to students and the use of ICT tools for science education will also be discussed.  
Stories of Tomorrow – 1 - 6 July 2018, Marathon, Greece
Join us in an exciting and innovative summer school about Storytelling in the science classroom! Understand the enormous potential of storytelling to support the development of students’ inquiry skills and help them gain initial scientific experience while at the same time enabling them to use the potential of the imagination and creativity. 
 Go-Lab – 8 -13 July 2018, Marathon, Greece
Using Online Science Laboratories for Inquiry Learning, the Go-Lab course will introduce teachers to the use of online virtual experiments and remote laboratories as well as inquiry-based science teaching techniques in order to help them develop, improve and enhance their teaching skills and practices. http://esea.ea.gr/content/go-lab-2018
 CREATIONS  – 8 -13 July 2018, Marathon, Greece
CREATIONS introduces innovative approaches and activities that involve teachers and students in scientific research through creative methods based on the Arts. The course focuses on the development of effective links and synergies between schools and research infrastructures in order to spark young people’s interest in science and in following scientific careers.
 Creativity, Arts and Science in Primary Education – 8 -13 July 2018, Marathon, Greece
CASE introduces case studies for creative science inquiry, e.g. Learning Science Through Theater, Puppetry and Learning through Art and Narratives for primary schools. The participants will learn how to implement these approaches in the primary school setting. After the completion of the Summer School the participants will be able to collaborate with schools and implement the learnings.
 21st Century Classroom in Azores Island – 17-23 June 2018, Azores, Portugal
This engaging, interactive course will give you the tools to turn your classroom/school into a robust, dynamic learning environment adaptable to the many challenges the future will hold. With a focus on 21st Century Skills, student-centred learning methodologies (IBSE, PBL, etc), innovative design and modern technologies (coding, robotics, etc), we will discover, learn and draw inspiration from the island’s unique volcanoes, rich biodiversity and UNESCO World Heritage sites.
 Astronomy Adventures in Canary Islands – 28 July - 4 August 2018, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
The training consists of presentations and hands-on workshops on subjects related to Astronomy, with particular emphasis on Inquiry-led teaching activities, and the use of robotic telescopes for scientific projects that can be implemented in schools. The programme includes a visit to Teide Observatory, where participants will visit several telescopes and experiments and will attend a night observing session. There will be an optional visit to Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (La Palma), on Saturday 4th August. Astronomers will explain how the telescopes work, the technology and instruments used on them, as well as the science and educational projects that are carried out with them.  
Beyond Earth Orbit: Space exploration as an interdisciplinary tool for your classroom – 4-10 October 2018, Innsbruck, Austria
A course in which teachers can get a broad view of the many themes linked with space exploration, through interactive discussions, hands-on activities that can be applied in the classroom and in-depth looks at the workings of actual spaceware. Interdisciplinarity is a key factor in this course that takes place simultaneously with the Space Week, and that aims to present space as a theme suited to explore any subject in the classroom in a manner that is attractive to students.
 ESA – GTTP Workshop – November 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands
 The European Space Agency (ESA) together with the Galileo Teacher Training Programme (GTTP) are organising a unique workshop for teachers that will explore innovative ways to use space science and astronomy to engage students in the science classroom. Teachers attending will be presented with a diverse workshop programme consisting of practical sessions and lectures from ESA experts. Participants will also explore the depths of ESA Education’s extensive activities and resources, as well as get the latest insights from ESA space science and astronomy missions. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to network with their peers from across Europe. The course will be held at the heart of ESA’s technical operations the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) where most ESA missions are born and raised (To be confirmed)
 Science Through Space and Time 2018 – 3-8 of September, London and Cardiff (Wales). 
 Learning through ages at the Greenwich observatory, ancient astronomy in Stonehenge, coding with Raspberry Pi to programme rovers on Mars, the workshop is filled with exciting topics that are designed and planned, aiming to open the vastness of imagination of teachers and subsequently their students alike. Generate inquiring minds as you Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate with a live example of the scientific method in the hands of students. Embark on this unique global effort to empower teachers, be a part of a worldwide network in the effective use and transfer of open astronomy education tools and resources into classroom science curricula.


El CSIC es una Organización dentro del diagrama del Estado español que abarca desde la investigación básica al desarrollo tecnológico con una perspectiva multidisciplinar: ocho áreas científico tecnológicas con una orientación común, entre las que encontraremos nuestra oportunidad .